I am learning more and more about the vast number of products Monsanto has out there. It’ll take a long time to understand all of them fully and every company and seed variety that is through Monsanto, but I am taking it step-by-step and learning about the products along the way.
Well, today the Trade Show opened and Monsanto was right there in the lead and even cut to help with the ribbon cutting ceremony. VISTIVE soybeans were the main attraction and Monsanto used great marketing techniques to grab people’s attention. They used the KFC logo to talk about the soybeans and what kind of opportunities there is for the product. In fact, KFC has switched 5,500 of their restaurants to low-linolenic soybean oil and the majority of that oil being VISTIVE. So, what a great partnership to have and the opportunities remain endless in this area.
Kurt Wickstrom, U.S. Soybean Traits Manager for Monsanto, was the front man today and actually spoke about VISTIVE during the opening ceremony. I spoke with him about the opportunties available and what we should expect in the near future. During the opening ceremony, he was standing next to the Presidents of NCGA, ASA and NAWG who are all hosting the Classic. The crew handed out colorful buttons for people to wear on their shirts that not only grabbed people’s attention, but was a tool used to draw them into the booth. In order to get a treasure map, they had to be wearing the buttons. Then, they had to follow certain clues to fill out questions on the map. Once it was all filled out, they were able to enter it in for a drawing and have the chance to win two free plane tickets anywhere they choose. That’s something I want to win.
So, Monsanto continues to amaze me with the marketing and planning they do. Every detail is ironed out and perfected so things are able to run smooth. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings at the Trade Show!
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